Tag Archives: cards

Happy holidays!

27 Dec

Merry christmas guys! I love winter: family, the decorations, the food, just about everything! And yes, I know today´s december 27th, sorry for being a bit late.. Anyway, we had diner with the whole family on the first day of christmas! Everyone was there, which doesn´t happen very often :/ It was really nice talking to and laughing with everyone even for just one day. Got to know a little more about uni in Leiden, my cousin studies there, and she said they have an excellent exchange program. Leiden +1 🙂 My other cousin who got married this summer told us about her being pregnant! Which means my grandparents are going to be great grandparents in just a couple of months; they couldn’t possibly be happier about it. Grandpa made a little speech at the end and his eyes were a little watery as well. You rock grandpa!

Oh and might you every come across him: never ever challenge him at playing cards! Man he sure kicks ass lol. Him, dad and I saw a package of cards lying on the table last weekend and we couldn’t resist the temptation.. Final score: grandpa 550, dad 470 and I had -50 lol. I’m getting a little better at it though, there’s still hope for me haha.

As I told you in my last post I love volleyball. We were supposed to have an end of year tournament today at this very moment, but it was cancelled :(. There weren’t enough people who joined, just like last year.. And there’s no match till the 12th of january, which totally sucks! I guess I’ll have to find something else to enjoy myself then, like taking more photos and posting them on my blog 😛 I just checked and I haven’t uploaded a single photo yet, I should do something about that in the coming days.

I hope you’re all having a lovely holiday wherever you are. Hopefully it’s snowing there right now, because there is no snow to be seen here..
